Boy the first of month sure rolls around fast these days! April was packed with lots of stuff. I'm glad that one is behind us. May always seems to bring out the best in people...I'm sure it's not the fact that summer is right around the corner!!!
Well, here is our link-up with
Farley for her May Currently.
OK...Survivor...who watches it? I was totally bummed last week when Malcolm went home. I knew Reynold would be off soon, but did he have to go next? But then the look on Andrea's face was priceless when she was gone! I'm not sure exactly who I want to win now.
I made another summer countdown flower for my door at school. Each day we remove a petal. One student told me, "We are killing that flower, but I can't wait for it to be dead!"
Summer is on the brain...can you tell?!?!?!
As for my Summer bucket list...I need to admit that I am a book hoarder...there I said it. I have an insane amount of books just waiting to be read. 5 is a number that I know is attainable, but I hope to read many more than that. Any good suggestions that I can add to my stash?
I also love the time outdoors in the summer...grilling, reading outside, pooltime, etc.
And my final item...NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK. I can honestly say that I have wanted to go to an NKOTB concert since I was in 3rd grade (and my mom wouldn't let me because it was on a school night!). I did see Joe one time at a Dancing with the Stars Tour, but that was not the same. Now, I finally get to go see them along with Boyz II Men (another fave!). I CANNOT WAIT!!!
Normally, rain is not something to be happy about, but after a long day I need help taking care of the garden. Plus, the sound is like an instant tranquilizer (aaaahhhhh)
I had to get a pedicure to make flip-flops fun for me AND for others who may see my, AHEM, untidied toes. Something about flip-flops says, " Hey, you have been kept in a cage too long, run, be free!" Flip-flop philosophy... only crazy passionate people understand.
I can't believe the end is near, but OMG! Can we contain these hoodlums? That word is too strong- restless children?
We will find out if it is boy or girl soon, and of course a girl would be nice since we already have our precious boy, but as long as the baby is healthy, I am ok! Plus, a girl means I will be receiving payback for my raising in T- 14 years, so nooo hurry for that!
I started the New Year by reading a devotional based bible series, and man have I been bad about keeping up. I don't feel as good when I fall behind. It's almost like I need my "pick-me-up" now more than ever.
Finally, my bucket-list. I am determined to go somewhere with my husband for a getaway sometime this summer. That time away os difficult with little ones, but much needed! I also have made a promise to myself to put the technology down and enjoy....what is that again....oh yeah, NATURE! Pure, no apps involved, real tweets heard NATURE! Good for the soul.... if you remember sunscreen. In order to do that, I am hoping to create a paradise in my backyard complete with a hammock. I am ready to wine wind down.
I hope you all have a blessed, relaxing summer! Stay tuned for baby news :)
Don't forget Farley's rule of 3 and link-up so we can see more of what everybody is up to!